Sunday, May 31, 2015

June 1, 2015

Dear Parents,

THE LAST UPDATE OF THE YEAR!  Happy and sad thoughts about that....  I hope that this year has gone as well for you as it has for me.  I have tried my best to be fair, supportive and patient with each situation that arises.  I've tried several times to set up a survey to ask for feedback, but am struggling with the wording.  So, instead, I would just ask if you would send me an email...  in the email give me one positive comment and one piece of constructive criticism.  If you have a second, I would love to hear from each of you, if you don't mind.  (My email is

This week we will be cleaning and reorganizing.  Please send in some trash bags so your child can unload his/her locker and take stuff home.  We will have "regular" classes on Monday and Tuesday, so they do still need their supplies for a couple more days.

Wednesday is our end of the year trip.  If you can or want to join us, we would LOVE to have you!!!!  Please meet us at school around 8:30 to get the free pass for your car.  If you have questions or concerns, let me know...  There will be NO swimming or wading in the water.  They may hike, but must be with an adult (which is why we need some chaperones).

Thursday morning we will celebrate mass at 10am.  PLEASE join us if you would like.  We would love to have you celebrate the end of the year with us.  Students will be excused at 11:30.

I have so enjoyed having your child in class.  I am blown away that we are in this last week and that they are 8th graders!  Amazing how time flies!  Thank you for being a blessing in my life this year!

Many blessings,

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 26, 2015

Dear Parents,

Only 2 more of these updates to write... including this one!  I know that you all have worked hard to give the graduates of the 8th grade class a splendid evening!  THANK YOU for all you have each done to give them such great memories!

Please remember that we are all supposed to wear our uniforms Tuesday of this week.  We are supposed to take an all school picture first thing in the morning.  Because we are wearing our uniforms on Tuesday, the students do not need to wear them on Wednesday.  Please remember, though, that we DO still have church on Wednesday, so appropriate dress is still expected.

Friday is our annual field day!  It is not only the day of awesome field day activities, but it is the afternoon the "torch" is past and the 7th graders take on the leadership of the school!  I have anticipated this day all year and I know the kids are looking forward to it.  I hope you are able to join us for this tradition.  It should be around 2:45 in the gym.

If you want to join us on our end of the year field trip, we would love to have you!  Please just show up on Wednesday morning (June 3rd) and follow us on up to Devil's Lake.  It is a fun day (pray for good weather) and we could use as many parents as want to come along!

Thank you again for a great year!
Many blessings,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18, 2015

Dear Parents,

The countdown begins!  11.5 days left this year!  Can you believe it?  I am really struggling to believe that these kiddos will be 8th graders!  This year has flown by!!!  I have been blessed throughout this entire year by their kindness, patience and generous hearts!  Thank you so much for sharing them with me.  You are raising some spectacular young men and women!

This week:

Monday:  The famous pig test is today.  (a breeze if student has been a true participant this quarter)
Tuesday:  SCRIP orders due by 10am; dress rehearsal in the afternoon; program starts at 7pm in the gym
Wednesday: We are celebrating Sr. Alfonso's 70th year of being a Dominican sister.  We would love to see you at church at 8:45 if you are available!  I will be gone in the afternoon at a doctor's appointment.
Thursday:  regular day

Due dates are closer than they appear, so please help me to keep this kids on track the next couple weeks!

Many blessings,

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 11, 2015

Dear Parents,
Hopefully you received my email late Friday morning.  I updated you on all the upcoming due dates for various classes.  I hope that giving you all that information will help you plan in the coming weeks.

Tuesday: Don't forget your SCRIP orders

Wednesday:  science articles due (7 of them)

Thursday and Friday:  Safety patrol students are gone to the Dells

The pig dissection is complete!  I was telling 2 of the moms on Friday about how proud I am of these students.  I really wasn't sure how things would go and by far this was one of the VERY best class pig dissections we've had!  Pure Awesomeness!!

Many blessings,

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 4, 2015

Dear Parents,

What a beautiful weekend!  I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the sunshine!  :)

I am so proud of the accomplishments of the 7th graders.  The pig dissection is going so well.  Each student has moved out of his/her comfort zone and dug in with both hands.  We hope to finish up the dissection at some point this week.  Next week we will study for the upcoming test; it is scheduled for May 18th.

The Student Council is selling .25 raffle tickets this week for a free lunch supplied by a teacher.

Happy Cinco de Mayo on Tuesday!  Don't forget your SCRIP orders are due by 10am.

Wednesday evening is BINGO up in the Parish Center.  First number is called at 6:30pm.

Hope it is a blessed week!

Many blessings,

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 27, 2015

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the long awaited (good or bad) day for...... PIG DISSECTION!  We will be dissecting for the next 2 weeks or so.  If you ever want to stop by, feel free!  Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays we have science first thing in the morning (8:30-9:10).  Wednesdays, I decided to switch up the schedule a bit and have the dissection at the end of the day instead of right after lunch.  (Hoping to avoid any upset tummies...)  I am sure the kids would love to share their learning with you if you want to stop in at some point.

Please help your child remember that he/she needs to be preparing for the upcoming "pig test".  It is scheduled for May 18th.  Each student received the study guide at the beginning of the pig unit, just after spring break.  I expect great things from the students because there has been plenty of time to prepare.

News articles are, also, still due this quarter.  The 7 articles are due May 13th.

I hope you are enjoying the spring weather!

Many blessings,

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 20, 2015

Dear Parents,

What a great time was had by all on Saturday night!  Thank you so much for all who helped out with the planning and carrying out of such an event!  :)  I hope you all had as much fun as I did!  I saw lots of smiles and high fives!

This week is one of the last "normal" weeks of school before we begin end of the year craziness!  We will finish up our virtual pig dissection on Tuesday at the end of class.  We will complete a skeletal lab on Wednesday and a muscle lab on Thursday.  April 27th is the day we begin the actual pig dissection.  The students seem to be getting anxious about it!

Enjoy the spring weather and let's finish the year strong!

Many blessings,